We have 24 hour emergency locksmiths based in Tintwistle working right now to help with all our clients commercial, domestic and automotive security needs at short notice.
We can help with your small retail shop premises, a large office block or even a stainless steel cabin that has become jammed shut through lock failure or key misplacement. Our commercial team work with all kinds of access control and electronic keypad entry systems so whatever needs to be replaced we can help and we have the experience you want to get the job done right.
If you want an emergency locksmiths in Tintwistle dot waste time, pick up the phone now and Extreme Locks will be at your door in no time at all.
We have expert locksmiths on call now to react fast when you need an emergency locksmith.
Our Expert locksmiths will respond with 40 minutes 24 hours a day for all commercial, domestic or even automotive security emergencies.
If you need any domestic locks changing we have them in stock and can nearly always replace them on the same day. This includes all garage door locks, PVC door mechanisms and even cellar door locks, window locks and window mechanisms.
Many companies in Tintwistle claim to be 24 hour emergency locksmiths, but Extreme Locks are one of the only genuine 24 hour firms who will respond fast whenever you call us.
Our experts can handle any lockouts, lock changes, installations, or break in repairs at short notice 24 hours a day.
We also have a complete auto locksmith division, meaning we will unlock any locked car when the keys are locked inside or we will replace any lost car keys at the side of the road.
Our commercial locksmith team can also help when it comes to electric or manual roller shutter, postbox locks and even digital keypad locks.
We have some of the most experienced locksmiths in Tintwistle on call 24 hours a day to help when you have locked your keys inside your vehicle or you have lost your car keys and new a replacement car key making in a hurry.
Car Key Replacement
You can have a new car key made at the side of the road when you have lost your. In the majority of cases we will respond within the hour and make you a brand new car key immediately!
Tintwistle Car Key Services
When its lost car keys of a key locked inside your vehicle, we can help you 24 hours a day 7 days a week and our prices on replacement car keys will not be beaten. Local emergency response there when you need it.
What makes us different
Unlike many of the locksmiths in Tintwistle we offer a lock replacement, repair and rebuild service. This means we will take your locks apart when they are faulty and we will even replace them if necessary.
Emergency response
Professional locksmiths always offer an emergency response to clients who really need it and we can usually be with you within 60 minutes 24 hours a day, so contact our locksmiths in Tintwistle now.
High Security Locks & Mechanisms
We stock all high security locks and mechanisms, meaning almost any lock can be replaced on the same day that the call is made. We have high security electronic fingerprint locks and some of our PVC door mechanisms work with 4 hook, 2 rollers and a bolt meaning a super human would struggle to force open the door. Whatever it is you need, we will either stock it or can get it from our suppliers who offer a 24 hour turn round on over 99% of all security products from office door locks right up to high security locks that fit commercial grades safes in night clubs.
Immediate response day or night
Because we know when a customer rings a locksmith they normally want you there fast. A damaged lock, door or even getting locked out of your premises following a break in or misplaced keys is not something you expect or plan for and that is we aim to be at your door in no more than 60 minutes 24 hours a day 7 days a week, so you can be sure that when you do contact Extreme Locks you will get a rapid response.
None destructive entry
On some locks it is possible t unlock them without causing any damage whatsoever to the lock, however in some cases the Emergency Locksmiths has no option but to drill a small hole into the lock or locking mechanism. In this instance our expert locksmiths with cause as little damage as possible to the lock and you can be assured that they are fully trained in the most effective ways to unlock door and premises. In other words e will cause as little damage as is physically possible when entering your premises and 95% of the time a lock will simply be picked open.
PVC Mechanism Installations
It is very important you know what you are doing when you install a PVC door mechanism as failure to align the door properly will leave the handle stiff, and can result in the lock breaking again.
Mortice Locks
When installing and unlocking a mortice lock you need the right tools for the job otherwise the door will look a mess and you also need to know exactly where to drill the lock to unlock the door otherwise the lock will cease to work all together.
Alarm System!
When you alarm sound for no reason, it can result in your monitoring company responding to fake cal louts. Most Alarm companies will respond to two fake calls then they wont come out any more. Because of this you should use a security expert when getting your alarm installed to ensure no fake calls and continued cover, especially where insurers insist on it.
Residential Locksmiths Tintwistle
Residential locksmiths are usually the locksmiths you need on hand at the shortest notice, and that is because when you are locked out of your premises because you have lost your keys, the door has been locked with keys inside, or the lock just wont open then you don’t want to be stood on the street freezing for very long. This is more so in the early and later months in the year as temperatures drop below zero and and it can be very very cold, even life threatening to the very old and very young.
Because we are very experienced and have worked in the residential emergency locksmithing industry for many years, we always have expert locksmiths on call who will react very fast to your lockout emergencies, especially late at night and early in the morning when the temperatures are at their lowest.
When you find yourself locked out of your property or vehicle anywhere in Tintwistle you should contact Extreme Locks the premier local auto, commercial and residential locksmiths who promise a fast response day or night. If for any reason we can’t respond to your job immediately then our phone staff are instructed to be very open and honest with the client to avoid them being stood outside in the cold longer than you need to be.
Because of our experience in the Residential locksmith industry, we stock a wide array of locks which include, all PVC and Rock door locks and mechanisms, including Euro lock barrels and Ovals. We also stock all Wooden door locks, including British Standard insurance approved locks and standard 5 lever mortice locks (remember to inform the engineer if you have insurance on your premises and need a British Standard lock for Insurance purposes).
We stock a wide array of Roller Shutter locks, both bullet and central mechanism, as well we stock up and over garage door locks which can be very hard to change and should not be attempted by an untrained person.
Most recently we have also started to stock on our domestic vans a large amount of vehicle locks and spare keys so if you have requested we come out for emergency break in repairs, we may also be able to replace your lost car keys at the same visit saving you time and money.
Do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced office staff day or night should you require some information, or want to ask about quotations and information given to you by another locksmith or auto locksmiths in Tintwistle as we may be able to help you out, or put your mind at rest should you be unhappy with the information you have received elsewhere.